Monday, February 21, 2011

Shoutout to you atheists

You should know right now that I am a christian. Uh, oh lost 50% of bloggers! Just kidding. But let me first say you guys aren't terrible people. At worst your just lost. Anyways, I have a proposition that benifits both arguementive christians, anti-christian atheists, and everyone in between. See, for me to convince you of my faith when some atheists are so incredebly arguementive of christians I need to be able to argue with you. In order for me to argue with you, you have to be able to argue with me. I argued with some atheists on a anti Theism site a couple of weeks ago and they were horrible at arguing! So here are some tips for you guys.

         1. In order for your arguement to be efective, you need to give your evidence. I asked a guy where the cloud of gas that condensed into planets at the creation of the universe came from (not to say they came from God, but to prove they also believe that some things were always there). He mistook me for challenging science and said they knew where the cloud came from and I was just ignorent of the fact. He neglected to even make a statement of what the evidence was, much  less prove its existence or credibility. This happened several times. I can just type on the internet I have indisputable proof that Jesus was the son of God proven with completely physical evidence and aproval of the world's leading atheist scienctists but that doesn't make it true.

         2. Don't ignore remarks and answer the easily disputable questions. I made a long list of sciencetific theories that disputed the big bang (including the chaos theory stating that chaos, such as an explosion, breeds only more chaos) and all this guy pointed out was that when I said energy cannot be created or destroyed, sciencetists had a theory of an energy flux! You cannot just show that I have a weak arguement in one area of an entire list.

         3. If you don't show respect then we have an incredebly hard time showing respect and eventually it turns into an insult match.

         4. If we both believe our way of thinking is correct and the other is mistaken, you can not use your own sources to disprove my beliefs. You either have to use the other sides sources, absolute fact, or plain reasoning.

Under these rules, whoever is right will win the arguement. Not who's the loudest, more insulting, or more clever with words.

Salutations Brother

The thing is...

Like most bloggers it appears I have no purpose in creating this blog. If your reading this you have every right to be mad. I most likely just robbed you of precious time that you could have spent reading a blog that had meaning or at least a clear purpose. This is not that blog. Unless at some point I stumble upon an actual reason for writing; perish the thought. So for now, the thing is this blog is true to its name. This is stuff. Nothing more. Probably sometimes a little bit less. I'll try to entertain you as best I can with my random thoughts ramblings and peices of literature. Oh well. I hope if you considered this a waste of time your not still reading this. Too bad.
Farwell Comrade